Have you ever been in a place in your life where you found yourself in limbo, looking forward to an event in the future, imagining how much better everything would be when you just got to _______? I have caught myself thinking this way near many milestones in life (graduating college, getting married, Mike finishing residency, having a baby). Every time, I had to consciously make a decision to stop living for the future and enjoy the now.
Well, that is where I have been for awhile now. Leading up to my surgery to remove PITA (the pituitary tumor in my brain), I was running out of options to help myself feel better. Every day, my symptoms worsened and I struggled, realizing that I just had to let time pass until it could be removed. The problem with that was that I didn't want to just waste my days--we all know we are given a limited amount of time here, as are our loved ones. I didn't want to waste away the only summer I would have with my family when my girls were 9, 8 and 8! So, we enjoyed the moments we could and made the best of it.
Day of surgery, 6 weeks out, 12 weeks out--See, I have come a long way! |
And then, there are the days when I long to be 100% me again. I long to have that seemingly endless energy. I long to be connected with the community, teaching fitness classes, encouraging others, volunteering, pouring into others and making others feel beautiful. I long to be my best self. And yet, I am not sure what my best self is anymore. Turns out, the tumor had an impact on many parts of me for longer than we realized. It was slow growing, and the impact increased with time, but it was affecting me internally and externally way before I was aware of it. My PCOS and infertility was caused by the tumor, beginning in high school. My endless energy was probably also a by-product. My inability to focus may have been as well. The thing is, it isn't yet clear what was really me and what was PITA. It is very odd to be 40 years old and wonder who I really am. These thoughts and more have bounced around in my head the last 3 months as I notice more and more things that are different. Even my Myers-Briggs personality score has changed (which is usually very constant throughout life).
At the end of the day, there are things that haven't changed. These things are the very core of me, and have been since childhood. I still care deeply about others. I have lost some friendships through this journey--sickness is so hard, and some friendships just don't survive. Even though I understand this and have to let them go, I still care and hope for their happiness. I also want to use the energy I do have to make a positive difference in the lives of others--and to raise my girls with this same desire. Doing things for others brings me so much joy.

Thank you all for your patience, encouragement and support on this journey. I have been overwhelmed on many occasions by the goodness and love you have shown!